Sunday, December 20, 2009


Dance competitions galore. This week we went to JM and we got 2nd in both high kick and jazz. Not bad I guess. I love being with the team all day long. There is never a dull moment. The bus loaded at 7 in the morning, which wasn't bad! They were running an hour behind so some of us didn't know what time to go down to awards. There were about 6 of us girls in the room, and we were playing Candyland. Then all of a sudden, we hear the announcer say on the TV, "Let's welcome back the dancers now!" When we heard that, we went sprinting down the hall. We were late to awards! Not to mention we were the first team out. So we played it cool and walked in with Byron's dance team, even though we were wearing Albert Lea dance team warm-ups.

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