Friday, October 30, 2009

Miley Cyrus!

It seems like this whole week has been chaotic! Since I have had dance every day after school, it seems like I have no free time. But yesterday, I had some free time. I had tickets to go to the Miley Cyrus concert with my mom and my friend. I got to skip practice and go up to the cities. Some of you might be thinking that Miley Cyrus is "stupid" or "a bad role model", but I don't think that.
Everyone makes mistakes in life, but celebrities have it way different. Imagine you making a mistake or accidentally saying something that you didn't mean. Thank goodness only some people heard or saw your mistake, but for celebrities, people are just looking to put them down.
Overall the concert was very good. The opening act was Metro Station, since Miley's brother is the lead singer. We got home at about 11:30 which had me get to bed at about midnight, on a school night. Yes, I may not have gotten enough sleep, but it was well worth it. (:

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