Friday, October 30, 2009

Miley Cyrus!

It seems like this whole week has been chaotic! Since I have had dance every day after school, it seems like I have no free time. But yesterday, I had some free time. I had tickets to go to the Miley Cyrus concert with my mom and my friend. I got to skip practice and go up to the cities. Some of you might be thinking that Miley Cyrus is "stupid" or "a bad role model", but I don't think that.
Everyone makes mistakes in life, but celebrities have it way different. Imagine you making a mistake or accidentally saying something that you didn't mean. Thank goodness only some people heard or saw your mistake, but for celebrities, people are just looking to put them down.
Overall the concert was very good. The opening act was Metro Station, since Miley's brother is the lead singer. We got home at about 11:30 which had me get to bed at about midnight, on a school night. Yes, I may not have gotten enough sleep, but it was well worth it. (:

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Next weekend is Halloween!
I'm so excited to have a fun time next week. Me and my friend Keisha went to Rochester last month and went shopping for Halloween costumes. We both are very excited to wear our costumes. We will be going trick or treating together and then, I will be spending the night at her house. You are never too old to go trick or treating! It's awesome that Halloween is on a Saturday this year! It was always awful when you would have to go trick or treating when it was the weekday and then have to go to school the next morning. Hopefully it won't be too chilly outside! Halloween is fun since you can be something totally different. We're both hoping to get lots of candy next weekend!


As a follow up to my last blog, my first week of dance was great.
I love both of our dances so much. The choreography for the high kick dance is so sweet!!
We had a lot of hard workouts this past week though. It's not easy getting back into shape!
The practices for this week were only until about 5:30. This coming week, practices are either until 6:00 or 6:30 which makes a very long day. This coming Wednesday is competition team placements. You have to tryout in front of the coaches and captains and perform a little bit of the high kick and jazz dance. This determines whether you have to share a spot with someone else or have your own spot. If you have your own spot, that means that you get to dance every competition and every basketball halftime performance. If you share a spot, it means that the coaches have to watch both you and the other girl that week so that they can decide who will dance that next competition.
One week down, a lot more weeks to go!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance

Tomorrow is THE day.
Tomorrow is when dance team starts practices for the regular season.
For the next four months, all i do is eat, sleep, school and dance.
Dance pretty much overruns my life until February. It sure makes time go by fast!
During practices, I might say that I'm sick and tired of dancing all the time, but in the end, I love what I'm doing.
The adrenaline that pumps through your body before a competition is probably the most greatest feeling in the world. I may say that I hate it, but it is so worth it.
It's indescribable.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Love Pink

If it's not obvious from the color of my blog, I love the color pink. I decided to write about this in honor of breast cancer awareness month. I've seen a lot of people wearing pink, including sports teams. In the NFL, each player and coach are wearing something pink, whether it is pink cleats, pink wrist bands, even pink mouth guards! I would like to buy some of it myself if they sold it to the public! Another sports team that is wearing pink is the Albert Lea Girls' Soccer Team. Their pink jerseys and pink soccer ball made them really stand out in Thursday's game against the Austin Packers. I thought it was very adorable that they had everything pink! I think that everyone should start wearing more pink this month!

My Weekend

I would have to say that i had a pretty good weekend. On Friday night, I decided to just relax and let my life catch up to me. I actually got all my homework done (yes, on a Friday night)! The next morning, I woke up at nine a.m., and decided to bring my best friend, Keisha, breakfast from Mcdonalds! I didn't have anything else going on that day so I stayed at her house all day long! We actually played The Sims for like 5 hours! We also made Halloween cookies which were very yummy! On Sunday, I went to church and of course watched the Vikings game. And they won. (: I also baked toll house cookie bars and cleaned the house. I'd have to say that i got a lot accomplished this weekend!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Music is Life

There isn't a day where I don't listen to music. Music is surrounded all around us. It really can change your emotions depending on what genre of music you listen to. I personally like to listen to music that is on the top 10 list. It doesn't matter what genre or style. Music is in my life a lot since I'm in show choir and choir. Show choir is two practices per week. I always look forward to choir because there's no homework and it's just very fun being in an all women's choir. It also gets my mind off of things that may have happened during the day. All of that gets put aside when i have choir sixth hour.

Life is Great

Life has been amazing to me and I hope that it has been for you too. You have to have your balances between work and play. As a student, you have to work very hard throughout the week in school so then you'll be able to "play" on the weekends. This past weekend, one of my friends went with me to Rochester so that we could get Halloween costumes. We had a blast! Then, she stayed over night and we stayed up late together. Not to mention, I got laryngitis this weekend. Maybe I have been playing too hard? Nah, i don't think so. (: